Bedazzled -Asa's Rocks
So sought after-Small Expressions
I'll get my Bedazzled and Small Expression pieces off tomorrow to Convergeance. then all I need to do is decide if I am going to try and do another piece before my Small Things at Village Wools. The next piece is thought and drawn out. It's a simple background of mixed blacks and dark colours with hazmat symbols and a broken Nautilus shell-the future. I am working on prehistory right now. Sego Lilies and earthstars. The oldest of things.

So Sought After So Many Chances

It is no wonder that I that artistic statements are anything but a creator of confusing and disbelief for me. I wonder about there worth unless they are very very long-too long for the average person to wade through. They always feel like such an invasion of privacy to me. Why can't the work stand on its own. How does one write about the lunacy and all of the elements that influence us to do a medium as slow as tapestry. I always seem to end up humming excerpts from West Side Story such as Officer Krupke. Yet, on the other hand I can spend days and weeks writing in my journal about why, how and what a tapestry is all about. It's not that I don't like to write. I think-maybe- it's about putting something so personal out there for everyone else to see and read. Perhaps giving up a piece of myself.
Black Hawk Lakota ledger Art-definitely not a fribble, but the style was influential to my Grandmother- This was on Wikipedia and for this particular piece copyright has run out.
Had lunch with Kathy on Friday and attended the "drunken barbecue" for a few hours. Yes, it was at the Off Center one of my favourite places in Salem. On Saturday we attended the "Drunken Barbecue." Perhaps the other stuff happened after we left. It was really fun see Arjay, Scott, Star and the rest of the crowd. I so miss not having them all closer. It was all rather mellow-not quite like the past and many more children. What is it they say nothing like reformed...So tamed now. Guess that's what happens when the children begin to out number the adults or supposed adults.
Haven't done much actual silver work for a while. Unless one calls chasing down and purchasing tools for my upcoming classes silver work. Did clean and polish one of my garage sale finds. It was an opal and gold ring that I bought for 10 cents at a garage sale. It had these funny dark little balls on each side of the opal. While I was cleaning the ring with a pick I discovered that the two small balls on each side were incredibly dirty. When I finished I discovered at the center of the balls two small diamonds. Talk about magical when I picked at the ball and tried to shine it. So suprising.
Couple of days ago we had a lunar eclipse I was all jazzed to wake up and take pictures. But, decided when the cloak bellowed while trying to wake me up up and get at it that I would rather sleep through it so I did. So much for adding those photo's to my weaving. Funny what working 12 hours a day on paper work and weaving will do ones goals and good indentations. Meant to say good intentions.
Okay it's time to weave.