This has been an interesting week. The weather has been totally uncooperative. Very cold at times in the studio. As always with holidays too many other things going on to spend much time weaving.
My Nautilus is almost done. Nautilus's have always been special to me. It gave me one of my first giggles about opposites when I was a child. We weren't allowed to read fiction-well-at least it was frowned upon in school. We were allowed to read poetry if it was upstanding and didactic. While we were being forced to read and memorize Bryant's Many Chambered Nautilus for the good of our psyche I was busily reading and discovering the Nautilus in Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues...I remember being caught at school with a copy of it and telling my religion instructor that I it was a travelogue. Fortunately for me he had never read Jules Verne's novels.
I finally remembered to take a series of pictures on cutting out and reweaving a section of a tapestry after it is woven for my next book. I have been trying to remember to do that for years. Some how I managed to but a black center in my turquoise and red b.
My Nautilus is almost done. Nautilus's have always been special to me. It gave me one of my first giggles about opposites when I was a child. We weren't allowed to read fiction-well-at least it was frowned upon in school. We were allowed to read poetry if it was upstanding and didactic. While we were being forced to read and memorize Bryant's Many Chambered Nautilus for the good of our psyche I was busily reading and discovering the Nautilus in Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues...I remember being caught at school with a copy of it and telling my religion instructor that I it was a travelogue. Fortunately for me he had never read Jules Verne's novels.
I finally remembered to take a series of pictures on cutting out and reweaving a section of a tapestry after it is woven for my next book. I have been trying to remember to do that for years. Some how I managed to but a black center in my turquoise and red b.